Friday, March 13, 2009

Core Value

Trustworthiness- Trust is a key value in operating with others especially children. Its a vital part of running a business. If someone cant or feels as if you cant be trusted the entry level of your business/program will not prosper. Trust is the base to everything and without it things woulds be in my opinion chaotic. So in an early childhood program a director should show intrest ,compassion and enthusiasm. Show that you are loving caring and interactive. Communicate and assure.

Confidendce-What do you think of a person with low confidence? Well if someone is not confident with themselves i myself would not be able to put my confidence in their work or operating skills. Confidence is a great thing to have and once you have it no one should have the power to take it away from you. Having confidence ensures a parent/employer that you are able to withstand critisism and work up to your best ability. Showing that you are proud and have high selfesteem in your business and skills is what will draw parents/employers in rather thatn scare them away with out it.

Loyalty-Everyone wants someone they can depend on. Especially when it comes to their children. Showing that you are a loyal fun loving person will encourage parents to leave their children with you. Stand by your work, be there to answer any questions that parents may need to be answered. Show that you have a deep dedication for your work and your parents. Make sure the children and everyone else who enters your facility feel warm and welcomed. Never turn your back on your work or anything that involves it.


  1. I never thought about the confidence that I exhibit as being a value. The way that you have put it I think that I will have to do some self reflection. To make sure that I put this value to use effectively. Thanks

  2. The three values you believe in are good. Especially confidence.Of course you need it, because without it how could you help others.You are a model for children and it is definite that you have to be confident about yourself and your business in order for success!

  3. Hello Shonna,

    I think you bring up some really good core values that are extremely important in the childcare world. I Especially agree with trustworthiness, becasue in order for someone to feel confident enough to leave their child in your care there has to be a sense of trust.
