Friday, May 1, 2009

Middle Childhood Play Memories

I remember being too short for the monkey bars and the kids used to tease me, because I couldn't grab the bars so couldn't hold on and swing like the other kids. One day I went home and told my mom and she said girl you can do it try hard every day. Then finally one day I said you can do it the kids are not going to laugh at me again. So I build up a lot of confidence and did it. I think this experience help me to keep confidence in myself and in others.

1 comment:

  1. Boy do I remember those monkey bars. I hated them because I was to scared and short to swing around like the other kids. I remember just daydreaming that I would hit my head on those black rubber mats! I was too one of those kids who was picked on for being short and even wearing glasses!
